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Jan. 5, 2020

#BehindTheCurtain 13: Why James Wore 9 Different Hats in Our New Instragram Ads

In this episode of the #BehindTheCurtain Series, & share how we're creating contextual creative for social media ad campaigns to increase our conversion rates. Plus, we talk about how James always spends his time alone in the show...spoiler:...

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B2B Growth

In this episode of the #BehindTheCurtain Series, James & Logan share how we're creating contextual creative for social media ad campaigns to increase our conversion rates.

Plus, we talk about how James always spends his time alone in the show...spoiler: it's a more productive habit than you might think.

For episodes like these, check out all the episodes in the Behind The Curtain series here:


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WEBVTT 1 00:00:06.280 --> 00:00:10.509 Are you trying to establish your brand as a thought leader? Start a PODCAST, 2 00:00:11.029 --> 00:00:16.109 invite industry experts to be guests on your show and watch your brand become 3 00:00:16.149 --> 00:00:22.059 the prime resource for decision makers in your industry. Learn more at sweetfish MEDIACOM. 4 00:00:26.980 --> 00:00:31.940 You're listening to BEDB growth, a daily podcast for BTB leaders. We've 5 00:00:31.980 --> 00:00:35.579 interviewed names you've probably heard before, like Gary vanner truck and Simon Senek, 6 00:00:35.929 --> 00:00:40.009 but you've probably never heard from the majority of our guests. That's because the 7 00:00:40.090 --> 00:00:44.729 bulk of our interviews aren't with professional speakers and authors. Most of our guests 8 00:00:44.770 --> 00:00:49.130 are in the trenches leading sales and marketing teams. They're implementing strategy, they're 9 00:00:49.130 --> 00:00:53.719 experimenting with tactics, they're building the fastest growing BTB companies in the world. 10 00:00:54.359 --> 00:00:57.200 My name is James Carberry. I'm the founder of sweet fish media, a 11 00:00:57.320 --> 00:01:00.920 podcast agency for BB brands, and I'm also one of the CO hosts of 12 00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:04.150 this show. When we're not interviewing sales and marketing leaders, you'll hear stories 13 00:01:04.189 --> 00:01:07.750 from behind the scenes of our own business. Will share the ups and downs 14 00:01:07.790 --> 00:01:12.150 of our journey as we attempt to take over the world. Just getting well, 15 00:01:12.829 --> 00:01:19.060 maybe let's get into the show. Hey, everybody, Logan with sweetfish 16 00:01:19.060 --> 00:01:23.540 this year. Before we get straight into today's interview, I wanted to let 17 00:01:23.579 --> 00:01:26.579 you know about another podcast you might enjoy. If you are a regular listener 18 00:01:26.659 --> 00:01:33.129 of this show, you'll probably really like the B Tob Revenue Executive Experience With 19 00:01:33.290 --> 00:01:37.969 Chad Sanderson over at value selling associates. Chad is a good friend of ours 20 00:01:38.010 --> 00:01:42.250 here at Sweet Fish, a phenomenal podcast host. I really liked one of 21 00:01:42.329 --> 00:01:47.239 his older episodes from probably a year back, with type Capony, the author 22 00:01:47.400 --> 00:01:53.560 of the transparency sailed. Great conversation about leveraging honesty, transparency and a value 23 00:01:53.599 --> 00:01:57.799 added approach in B Tob Sales. Check out the B Tob Revenue Executive Experience 24 00:01:59.079 --> 00:02:02.230 With Chad Sanderson on apple podcast or anywhere you do your list. All right, 25 00:02:02.430 --> 00:02:07.310 now let's really get into the show. Welcome back to be tob growth. 26 00:02:07.389 --> 00:02:12.349 I'm Logan lyles with sweet fish media. Today is another episode in our 27 00:02:12.509 --> 00:02:15.620 behind the curtain series where we're unpacking some of the lessons learn in our own 28 00:02:15.699 --> 00:02:20.699 growth story, some of the things, the tactics and strategies that we're experimenting 29 00:02:20.740 --> 00:02:23.340 with in our own business. As usual in our behind the curtain series. 30 00:02:23.419 --> 00:02:27.259 I'm joined by my good Buddy James Carberry. James, how you doing today, 31 00:02:27.340 --> 00:02:30.770 man, oh, I am fantastic. My Man, awesome. We're 32 00:02:30.810 --> 00:02:36.770 going to be talking about creating contextual, creative especially for your paid media strategy. 33 00:02:37.090 --> 00:02:39.889 You know, folks who listen to this show regularly, no that you 34 00:02:39.969 --> 00:02:46.800 know we disagree a good bit with the quality over quantity argument when it comes 35 00:02:46.840 --> 00:02:51.000 to content, whether organic or paid. But at the same time we're not 36 00:02:51.120 --> 00:02:53.639 saying that you should just do volume for volumes sake and you should let the 37 00:02:53.719 --> 00:02:58.479 quality go that you know. We did an episode on this that that really 38 00:02:58.520 --> 00:03:00.830 unpack that the folks can go back to. But it's got to be quantity 39 00:03:01.229 --> 00:03:05.949 and quality, and one of the things that you can do to increase the 40 00:03:05.990 --> 00:03:09.469 quality is to put more context with the content that you're putting out. Can 41 00:03:09.509 --> 00:03:12.830 you tell us a little bit about that and then we'll get into the story 42 00:03:12.900 --> 00:03:15.020 to unpack her. Yeah, so my wife makes fun of me about this 43 00:03:15.060 --> 00:03:21.419 all the time, but I basically spend my shower time watching Gary v Videos 44 00:03:21.740 --> 00:03:24.659 and so she got me this little like stand for in our in our shower 45 00:03:24.740 --> 00:03:28.849 where I can watch we can watch gary videos and I'm watching one the other 46 00:03:28.889 --> 00:03:32.009 night and he's talking about just this massive opportunity. I've heard him talk about 47 00:03:32.009 --> 00:03:36.610 this a lot, but he's talking about this massive opportunity that we have to 48 00:03:37.129 --> 00:03:40.560 stand out in a market place with, with paid media, it's getting crowd 49 00:03:40.680 --> 00:03:46.520 more crowded by the second, with these big, jugger not companies that are 50 00:03:46.639 --> 00:03:50.759 finally pulling their head of their butt and starting to spend money in appropriate places 51 00:03:50.800 --> 00:03:55.550 as opposed to TV and billboards where nobody's paying attention anymore. And as they 52 00:03:55.669 --> 00:04:00.030 do that it's going to be more competitive and the way that you can stand 53 00:04:00.069 --> 00:04:05.030 out with paid media is creating a whole lot of context. And the thing 54 00:04:05.110 --> 00:04:09.990 that he said that really struck me said so many people think about their message 55 00:04:10.180 --> 00:04:15.860 first and then they blast it to everyone. But because they know that the 56 00:04:15.939 --> 00:04:20.220 message is being blasted to everyone, the message ends up being very vanilla and 57 00:04:20.420 --> 00:04:27.689 boring and not contextual at all. And so instead, if you think specifically 58 00:04:27.689 --> 00:04:31.290 about who do I want to reach, who am I trying to reach specifically? 59 00:04:31.490 --> 00:04:36.050 Not at a high level, not VP's of marketing, not what you 60 00:04:36.129 --> 00:04:43.639 know Cios, but no, I'm trying to get somebody that's been a cio 61 00:04:43.920 --> 00:04:48.199 in Chicago for fifteen years. That's worked at fortune five hundred companies. Okay, 62 00:04:48.680 --> 00:04:53.029 now that I have that level of granularity around who I want to watch 63 00:04:53.310 --> 00:04:57.790 this video or this piece of creative now I'm going to go create messaging that 64 00:04:57.990 --> 00:05:02.670 aligns to that audience. And he said when someone sees something like that and 65 00:05:02.829 --> 00:05:08.180 it's contextual to them their way more likely to pay attention to it then if 66 00:05:08.180 --> 00:05:12.860 they see something that's super generic and doesn't speak to them personally. And so 67 00:05:12.939 --> 00:05:15.779 I had this idea. You know, the greatest ideas come to shower, 68 00:05:15.139 --> 00:05:18.579 and so I came downstairs and I grabbed one of my Gary v Shirts, 69 00:05:18.939 --> 00:05:23.250 my you know, the patients is key shirt with his signature on the front 70 00:05:23.250 --> 00:05:26.170 of it, and I grabbed nine in my baseball hats, because I'm on 71 00:05:26.209 --> 00:05:28.689 a quest to go to every baseball park in the country and I've got, 72 00:05:29.170 --> 00:05:31.370 I've recently started getting hats at all these parks. So I've got like nine 73 00:05:31.410 --> 00:05:34.209 hats that are brought down and I thought, you know what, I'm just 74 00:05:34.290 --> 00:05:38.759 going to do a little selfie video to promote the book that we've got coming 75 00:05:38.759 --> 00:05:43.480 out on January seven content based networking, and so I filmed these videos in 76 00:05:43.639 --> 00:05:47.079 nine different hats, and so I put on my Minnesota twins hat and I 77 00:05:47.199 --> 00:05:51.269 have my Gary v Shirt on and the video went something like this. Hey 78 00:05:51.350 --> 00:05:55.829 Minnesota, if you are a Gary v Fan like me, and I pointed 79 00:05:55.870 --> 00:05:58.870 at my shirt, then you're probably going to really like the book that I 80 00:05:58.949 --> 00:06:01.509 just launched called content based networking. It's a three part framework to help your 81 00:06:01.550 --> 00:06:05.699 verse engineer the exact relationships you need to grow your business and your career. 82 00:06:05.939 --> 00:06:09.939 You can listen to it on audible. You can check out physical copy of 83 00:06:09.980 --> 00:06:12.660 the book. Just click the link there. And I pointed, I pointed 84 00:06:12.740 --> 00:06:15.860 down where they would, you know, on an instagram add and I did 85 00:06:15.939 --> 00:06:18.810 that nine times. I did that in my Cleveland Indians Hat, I did 86 00:06:18.889 --> 00:06:25.689 that in my Arizona diamondbacks hat and I addressed the city or state of the 87 00:06:25.930 --> 00:06:30.009 team of the hat that I was wearing. So now, whenever we run 88 00:06:30.050 --> 00:06:33.920 those ads, we're running ads to people that are Gary v Fans and live 89 00:06:34.079 --> 00:06:39.399 in specific cities. So we're running nine different campaigns and nine different cities, 90 00:06:39.839 --> 00:06:44.839 using not just one not just the city, but also the fact that these 91 00:06:44.920 --> 00:06:47.110 are Gary v Fans. So they're going to see me in a twins hat 92 00:06:47.430 --> 00:06:53.029 and for whatever reason by twins hat gets tons of reactions. I kind of 93 00:06:53.069 --> 00:06:56.629 I thought that was just our team with no everywhere I go, who were? 94 00:06:56.670 --> 00:06:59.750 Look, look the head. It's got like the TC for twin city. 95 00:06:59.870 --> 00:07:02.660 So it's like not super on the nose. So only people in Minnesota 96 00:07:02.779 --> 00:07:05.339 know what it is. Anyway, people love it. But you're going to 97 00:07:05.420 --> 00:07:09.740 see the hat, the twins hat, and you're in Minnesota and you're going 98 00:07:09.779 --> 00:07:13.180 to go out this guy like is this guy in my knee? Like well, 99 00:07:13.339 --> 00:07:15.209 I gotta pay attention. And then I'm going to mention Gary V. 100 00:07:15.449 --> 00:07:19.129 You're like, Whoa, I'm a Gary v Fan to and the likelihood? 101 00:07:19.250 --> 00:07:24.889 Yeah, on the shirt. So so the likelihood of them then listening to 102 00:07:25.009 --> 00:07:27.490 the rest of my message? Now, are they going to be interested in 103 00:07:27.610 --> 00:07:30.360 growing their network? Or there was I don't know. I mean if they're 104 00:07:30.399 --> 00:07:34.680 Gary Vy fan, probably, but the likelihood of US selling more books to 105 00:07:34.839 --> 00:07:41.600 people because we did contextual creative. I did nine little thirty second videos as 106 00:07:41.639 --> 00:07:45.149 opposed to just doing one talking about how great the book was. I have 107 00:07:45.230 --> 00:07:46.870 a feeling results are going to be a lot better. So that's my two 108 00:07:46.910 --> 00:07:50.949 cents on contextual creative I'm really excited about it and pump to be able to 109 00:07:50.990 --> 00:07:55.389 share results whenever we have them. Yeah, absolutely, and I as you 110 00:07:55.509 --> 00:07:58.470 were sharing with this with me the other nine I just thought, you know, 111 00:07:58.550 --> 00:08:01.420 it was it was super smart man. I mean I love what you're 112 00:08:01.500 --> 00:08:03.699 doing. Taking what Gary Talks about, you know, starting with the audience 113 00:08:03.779 --> 00:08:07.259 first and then the message. I mean I have guests here on the show 114 00:08:07.420 --> 00:08:11.180 talk about you know, we have to start with our prospect in mind and 115 00:08:11.660 --> 00:08:15.490 I think we can rely a little bit too much on well, you know, 116 00:08:15.610 --> 00:08:18.649 this is the title we serve. Okay, we know a little bit 117 00:08:18.689 --> 00:08:22.209 about them, but going just a little bit deeper, even if it is 118 00:08:22.449 --> 00:08:24.889 just based on the city, and you know there are brands that have a 119 00:08:24.970 --> 00:08:28.920 lot more data at their finger tips than we do with some of their text 120 00:08:30.000 --> 00:08:33.000 act where you can go, you know, even more granular, but taking 121 00:08:33.039 --> 00:08:35.600 the time to do it. You know, a lot of folks here Gary 122 00:08:35.600 --> 00:08:39.360 v Talk about you need to be creating a hundred pieces of content today and 123 00:08:39.399 --> 00:08:43.669 they think that he's just, you know, being hyperbolic. There is just, 124 00:08:43.870 --> 00:08:46.669 you know, throwing out a number to get people to do more. 125 00:08:46.190 --> 00:08:48.509 But when you think about it, I mean one he talks about. Like 126 00:08:48.870 --> 00:08:52.029 you know, twenty five of those can be tweets. So okay, there's 127 00:08:52.029 --> 00:08:54.509 there's a big chunk of that. But the other pieces, you know you 128 00:08:54.669 --> 00:08:58.019 just talked about nine hundred and ten, a dozen that are really the same 129 00:08:58.179 --> 00:09:03.019 thing, that are very quick but thoughtful context that makes them easy to do 130 00:09:03.299 --> 00:09:07.700 and and pulls a lever that is going to, I think you know, 131 00:09:07.860 --> 00:09:11.769 increased conversion rates dramatically. So, you know, going back to what we 132 00:09:11.970 --> 00:09:16.370 talk about in quality and quantity in your paid media strategy, in your organic 133 00:09:16.490 --> 00:09:20.250 content strategy. I hope this helps folks, you know, think about a 134 00:09:20.330 --> 00:09:24.559 very tactical, tangible way that they can go about doing it. And I 135 00:09:24.720 --> 00:09:28.960 loved it. You know, we told it with a story of you and 136 00:09:28.000 --> 00:09:31.960 the shower and Gary be so it was also a fun one. Man, 137 00:09:33.200 --> 00:09:35.200 I always love these. Jazz Man, I'm glad we're getting into the rhythm 138 00:09:35.279 --> 00:09:39.470 here of the behind the curtains episode. If you like these, you can 139 00:09:39.470 --> 00:09:43.549 go to sweet fish Mediacom blog, look in the categories on the right hand 140 00:09:43.669 --> 00:09:46.750 side and you'll see all of our different Hashtag series, Hashtag behind the curtains. 141 00:09:46.990 --> 00:09:50.750 You can check these out, as well as different series like category creation 142 00:09:50.950 --> 00:09:56.580 and agency. If you're with an agency, drew McClellan's doing some fantastic content 143 00:09:56.700 --> 00:09:58.980 within that series. As always, we would love to connect with you. 144 00:10:00.019 --> 00:10:03.100 If you're a regular listener of the show and we're not connected on Linkedin, 145 00:10:03.659 --> 00:10:07.210 hit me up Logan Lyles and James carberry on Linkedin. As always, thank 146 00:10:07.210 --> 00:10:15.049 you so much for listening. We totally get it. We publish a ton 147 00:10:15.129 --> 00:10:18.409 of content on this podcast and it can be a lot to keep up with. 148 00:10:18.929 --> 00:10:22.080 That's why we've started the BTB growth big three, a no fluff email 149 00:10:22.200 --> 00:10:26.879 that boils down our three biggest takeaways from an entire week of episodes. Sign 150 00:10:26.919 --> 00:10:35.080 up today at Sweet Phish Mediacom Big Three. That sweet PHISH MEDIACOM Big Three