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June 13, 2023

Myths of Social Media, with Ian MacRae

Are we running our social media strategy based on facts and data or myth and hype? On this episode, Benji sits down with Ian MacRae, author of the book "Myths of Social Media". As a work psychologist, Ian brings a unique perspective to the social...

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B2B Growth
Are we running our social media strategy based on facts and data or myth and hype? On this episode, Benji sits down with Ian MacRae, author of the book "Myths of Social Media". As a work psychologist, Ian brings a unique perspective to the social media landscape.

With a focus on B2B marketers and content creators, Benji seeks Ian's advice on improving CEOs' brands and subject matter experts on social media platforms. The conversation takes an exciting turn as Ian exposes his top four myths of social media, providing valuable insights that challenge common misconceptions. Throughout the episode, listeners gain practical takeaways and are encouraged to explore Ian's books on platforms like Amazon.

As the episode draws to a close, Benji expresses his gratitude to Ian for sharing his expertise and thanks the loyal audience for their continued support. He encourages listeners to connect with him personally on LinkedIn and invites them to visit b2bgrowthshow.com for more engaging content.

Discussed in this Episode:
  • 4 common Myths of social media
  • How to build a personal brand for your CEO
  • Outdated approaches to social media that B2B marketers continue to use

Connect with us:

Ian: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iansmacrae/Company Website: https://www.highpotentialpsych.co.uk/Book: https://www.amazon.com/Myths-Social-Media-Misconceptions-Business-ebook/dp/B0B759YGZK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=7WLA6WKO462J&keywords=Myths+of+social+media&qid=1685628329&sprefix=myths+of+social+media%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-1

Benji: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benji-block/